The Back to History Challenge is hosted by Shannon at Just Another Musing.
HERE WE GO… This is a challenge to sharpen the mind, go back & visit times long since forgotten in this day in age. The Back to History Challenge is designed to encourage readers to stretch themselves in the history genre. I am truly interested in getting people to venture into unfamiliar territories of literature. So…take this challenge and discover what history has to offer you!
A FEW RULES… All participants should try to mix up their reading choices. Please do not have ALL biographies, or ALL memoirs, etc. There is no limit on any sub-category, but remember…this is supposed to be a CHALLENGE. You should be getting out of your comfort zones and finding something new to explore. You should read one historical non-fiction, or historical fiction novel a month. Ultimately…let’s have fun!
My list:
- Annika Larsdotter: barnamörderska; Inger Lövkrona (fact) — finished on 9th June, 2008
- The Annotated Pride and Prejudice; Jane Austen and David M Shapard (fact & fiction)
- Leonardo da Vinci: Flights of the Mind; Charles Nicholl (fact)
- The Return of the Native; Thomas Hardy (fiction)
- A Countess Below Stairs; Eva Ibbotson (fiction) — finished on 10th February, 2008
- Standish; Erastes (fiction) — finished on 24th February, 2008
- Historier om läkemedel; Tord Ajanki (fact)
- Sister Pelagia and the White Bulldog; Boris Akunin (fiction)
- My War in the Gestapo; Hélène Moszkiewiez (fact)
- Some Danger Involved; Will Thomas (fiction) — finished on 7th January, 2008
- Mr Darcy Presents His Bride; Helen Halstead (fiction) — finished on 27th May, 2008
- An Assembly Such as This; Pamela Aidan (fiction) — finished on 5th January, 2008